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The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…Press, 1998. First published by Tillicum Library, 1988. Manitoba. Public Inquiry into the Administration and Indigenous People. “Indigenous Women.” Vol. 1, chap. 13, in Report of the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry…

Indian Status

…such as band administration, education, and health care. The Indian Act has historically stated that those with Indian status have rights to live on reserves, share in band monies, vote…

Global Actions

…with consultative status to the U.N. Social and Economic Council awarded in 1977. The IITC maintains a strong Canadian presence in the Treaty 6 area. George Manuel. Photo used with…

Bill C-31

…to reduce the likelihood that a band would deny membership to those who had their status reinstated, though this revision did not come with any additional federal resource allocations to…


…the following links are valuable resources for learning more about these ways in which Métis cultures are expressed. Learn Michif Manitoba Métis Resource Centre Métis Museum Métis peoples insist that…

Aboriginal Rights

…relationship. While each treaty differed, many historical treaties guaranteed that Aboriginal peoples would receive certain payments and rights, such as a right to hunt or fish, and rights to education….

Sixties Scoop

…of Aboriginal child welfare. The results showed that Aboriginal children were consistently overrepresented in child welfare services. In 1985, Justice Edwin Kimelman released a highly critical review of Aboriginal child…

Aboriginal Title

early twentieth centuries, Crown representatives and leaders of Aboriginal communities signed treaties throughout most of Canada in an effort to resolve issues of outstanding Aboriginal title. These treaties set out…

Oral Traditions

…arrived they brought with them a piece of the knowledge puzzle. They had to reach back to the teachings of their parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents. These teachings were shared


Bands were established as a part of Canada’s early colonial policy whose aim was to assimilate Indians into colonial society by disrupting traditional forms of governance and imposing a municipal-style…