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UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…14 Ibid. 15 Lightfoot. 16 Ibid. 17 Canada. Canada’s Statement of Support on the United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. November 12, 2010. Available online at http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ap/ia/dcl/stmt-eng.asp…

Global Actions

…Oxford University Press, 1999. Henderson, James Sa’ke’j Youngblood. Indigenous Diplomacy and the Rights of Peoples: Achieving U.N. Recognition. Saskatoon: Purich Publishing, 2008. Maaka, Roger C.A., and Chris Andersen, eds. The…


…University of Alberta Press, 2007. 33-64. In 1872, the Dominion Lands Act was passed, which encouraged settlement in the west by allotting farmland to settlers. The Métis heads of household…

Bill C-31

…some years later, she and her children attempted to return to her reserve to find that they were denied access to housing, health care, and education as a result of…

Aboriginal Rights

…Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007). Henderson, James Sákéj Youngblood. “Postcolonial Ledger Drawing.” In Marie Battiste, ed., Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision. (Vancouver: UBC

Sixties Scoop

…This amendment specifically applied to Section 88 of the Indian Act. Pivot, 21 . 3 Liberating our children, 2; Pivot, 21 4 Fournier, Suzanne and Ernie Crey. Stolen from Our…

Aboriginal Title

…https://tinyurl.com/y2te6wps McNeil, Kent. “The Meaning of Aboriginal Title.” In Michael Asch, ed. Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada: Essays on Law, Equality, and Respect for Difference. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997….

Oral Traditions

…Fixico, Donald L. “That’s What They Used To Say”: Reflections on American Indian Oral Traditions. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2017 (Available as an ebook through UBC Library) Hulan, Renée,…

Gustafsen Lake

…personal communication. 22 As quoted by Mofino, Rick. “U.S. court refuses to extradite Canadian native.” the National Post. 23 November 2000, A4. 23 Switlo, personal communication, November 4, 2010….

Totem Poles

…What are totem poles? House frontal poles outside the Haida Heritage Centre, Kaay Llnagay, BC. Photo (c) 2010, Robyn Hanson. Totem poles are monuments created by First Nations of…