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ILO Convention 107

…paternalism toward Indigenous peoples. However, these instruments remain important tools for achieving recognition and protection of Aboriginal rights, and paved the way for the adoption, in 2007, of the U.N….


…Identity negotiations produce categories that can exclude as much as include particular groups of people. These categories create blanket assumptions and stereotypes accepted as natural by outsiders, and may also…

Video Resources

…First Nations leaders and lawyers active in these processes, academics, and other experts. Go to this archive. Develop Your Own IVT Implementation The IVT Viewer has been developed by First…


Aboriginal peoples. Voluntary enfranchisement was introduced in the Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 and was based on the assumption that Aboriginal people would be willing to surrender their legal and…

About Jordan Bennett

…interactive performance spaces, I aim to form an atmosphere where traditional meets contemporary, shifting preconceived notions on an object or an actions original function or intent. Official website http://www.jordanbennett.ca…

R. v. Sparrow Press

The Province, July 18, 1967 The Vancouver Sun, August 20, 1988 The Vancouver Sun, November 4, 1988 The Vancouver Sun, May 28, 1990 The Vancouver Sun, May…


…Nicholas Galanin About Nikamowin (Song) About Sovereignty Performance About the REDress project About Tsu Heidei Shugaxtutaan Artistic Expressions Bands Berger Inquiry Bill C-31 Calder Case Canadian Press, June 14, 1983…

Global Indigenous Issues

…which some of these groups have united across political borders and geographic locations, in the face of political opposition and countless other barriers, in order to engage with the international…

About Nikamowin (Song)

…northern Manitoba. Swampy Cree is our dialect. I was raised there, but am currently living in Winnipeg, after an eleven year hiatus in Vancouver, BC. When creating a new piece,…

Canadian Press, June 14, 1983

Canadian Press, June 14, 1983 The Province, August 4, 1981 The Province, August 5, 1981 The Province, May 8, 1973 The Province, July 5, 1981 The Province,…