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About Jordan Bennett

…for language, mainly directed towards learning my ancestors native tongue of Mi’kmaq. Growing up in Newfoundland has influenced my art a great deal, with a very unique cultural background consisting…


…on parallel and often conflicting paths: one based in law and state regulation, the other in family tradition and community practice. This discussion introduces the complex and problematic nature of…

Canadian Press, June 14, 1983

Canadian Press, June 14, 1983 The Province, August 4, 1981 The Province, August 5, 1981 The Province, May 8, 1973 The Province, July 5, 1981 The Province,…

R. v. Guerin Press

The Province, May 8, 1973 The Province, September 16, 1979 The Vancouver Sun, September 19, 1979 The Vancouver Sun, September 20, 1979 The Province, September 24, 1979…

Video Resources

…has been developed by First Nations Studies professor Linc Kesler at UBC as open-source software. You can download what you need to develop your own implementation by clicking here….

Special Projects

…from his childhood in Victoria to the moment when Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau selected him to lead the Inquiry. It provides a glimpse into the early days of the on-going…

Governance and Land Claims

BC and associated governance issues. British Columbia is unusual in Canada in having very few historical treaties. Canadian courts at the close of the 20th century have recognized what First…


…  First Nations of British Columbia. Click to enlarge. Reproduced courtesy of the Museum of Anthropology, University of B.C., Vancouver. Aboriginal groups across what is now Canada each have…

Mapping Tool: Kitsilano Reserve

…1965, the entire reserve had been sold off. In 2002, the Squamish Nation regained a small section of the earlier reserve: today’s Kitsilano Indian reserve No. 6.   The following…