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Marginalization of Aboriginal women

early histories of gender relations we aim to give the reader a sense of how initial colonial assumptions resulted in the drastic alteration of women’s influence and social systems in…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…legal category that can be easily thrown off. It is deeply experienced and affects how Aboriginal people understand their own identities and those of others. For many people who may…

The Residential School System (2009)

…online: http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volume.html 18 Frideres & Gadacz, Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. 81. 19 Frideres & Gadacz, 85. 20 First Nations Leadership Council, BC Assembly of First…

Indian Homemakers’ Association of British Columbia

…the BC IHA for 28 years.4 The IHA was now an independent organization. This independence allowed them to focus their work on the needs of Aboriginal women without compromise. During…

UBC Dialogue: Nov 1, 2011

…and others. The short 30 minute video below here gives a window onto the day’s events. A complete and easily navigable video record of the entire event is located on…

Totem Poles

…In the early 1990s, the Haisla people of the Kitimat area in B.C. began the process of repatriating a mortuary pole that had been taken away from their community in…

The White Paper 1969

…1970. Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs. “Our History”. https://www.ubcic.bc.ca/about The Hawthorn Report Hawthorn, Harry, ed. A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada: Economic, Political, Educational Needs and Policies….


…Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture, by the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research. http://www.metismuseum.com/ Political Organizations Métis National Council: http://www.metisnation.ca/ Métis Nation of BC: http://www.mnbc.ca/…

Indian Status

…in the government’s interest to reduce the numbers of eligible Indians and therefore ease the associated governmental responsibilities and expenditures. To “legislate out” Indian status would ultimately absolve themselves from…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…peoples’ right to self-determination, which includes the right “to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” Article 4 affirms Indigenous peoples’ right “to…