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Gustafsen Lake

…Vancouver Sun, 12 September 1995, A1. As quoted in Lambertus, 112. 19 Lambertus, 109. 20 Switlo, personal communication. 21 Switlo, personal communication. 22 As quoted by Mofino, Rick. “U.S. court…

Marginalization of Aboriginal women

…Women. https://tinyurl.com/yycwtc9p Suzack, Cheryl, Shari M. Huhndorf, Jeanne Perreault, and Jean Barman, eds. Indigenous Women and Feminism: Politics, Activism, Culture. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010. Voyageur, Cora. Firekeepers of the Twenty-First…


…Time Memorial” SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. https://swswlibrary.com/culture-and-history/a-journey-into-time-immemorial/ “Thunderbird Park” Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria, B.C. https://www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/exhibits/tbird-park/main.htm?lang=eng Books & Articles McMillan, Alan D., and Eldon Yellowhorn. First Peoples in…

Totem Poles

…of a chief, or may be commissioned to celebrate an important milestone or event, the reason for the pole’s creation is shared and celebrated in such ceremonies. Photograph (c) 2009…

Aboriginal Title

…early twentieth centuries, Crown representatives and leaders of Aboriginal communities signed treaties throughout most of Canada in an effort to resolve issues of outstanding Aboriginal title. These treaties set out…

Guerin Case

…Constitution. By Tanisha Salomons & Erin Hanson Recommended Resources Supreme Court of Canada, Guerin v. The Queen, [1984] 2 S.C.R. 335. Available online: https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/2495/index.do Musqueam Band. “Musqueam Day 2020.” https://www.musqueam.bc.ca/musqueam-day-2020/…

Sparrow Case

…would be conservation of natural resources, in which First Nations interest would come second only to that; “There has been as little infringement as possible in order to effect the…


…of B.C. Indian Chiefs. http://ourhomesarebleeding.ubcic.bc.ca A fantastic resource about reserves and the cut-off lands in B.C., including the testimonies of those affected first-hand by the McKenna-McBride Commission, maps, photographs, and…

Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35

…Two. Dir. Maurice Bulbulian. National Film Board of Canada, 1987. Endnotes s Juristocracy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004. 196. 3 R. v Sparrow, [1990] 1 S.C.R. 1075. Accessed online:https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/609/index.do 4…

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…represented, policy is examined and resolutions are passed. The UBCIC also holds Special General Meetings throughout the year as necessary. A brief history of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs…