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Sixties Scoop

…at: http://www.fact.on.ca/news/news0212/gm021221a.htm Lyons, Tom. “For more than 20 years, Canada took native children from their homes and placed them with white families. Now a lost generation want its history back.”…

The Residential School System (2009)

…speak their languages—even though many children knew no other—or to practise Aboriginal customs or traditions. Violations of these rules were severely punished. Residential school students did not receive the same…

Ipperwash Crisis

…Affairs was established. One of the key recommendations that resulted from the inquiry was for the Ontario provincial government to relinquish control of Ipperwash Provincial Park to the Kettle and…


…Métis Nation of Alberta: http://albertametis.com/ Métis Nation of Saskatchewan: https://metisnationsk.com Manitoba Métis Federation: http://www.mmf.mb.ca/ Métis Nation of Ontario: http://www.metisnation.org/ Endnotes 1 See Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents 1610—1791, Vol V,…

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

…Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” New Zealand Law Journal (October 2006): 335–337. http://www.apc.org.nz/pma/cc001006.pdf Charters, Claire, and Rodolfo Stavenhagen, eds. Making the Declaration Work: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of…

Community & Politics

…include: The Assembly of First Nations – http://www.afn.ca The First Nations Summit – http://www.fns.bc.ca/ The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami – http://www.itk.ca The Native Women’s Association of Canada – http://www.nwac.ca The Metis…

Totem Poles

…part of cultural transformation and growth.9 Whatever their personal preference, artists use these tools to create the swirling, oval shapes common in coastal First Nations artwork, also known as “ovoid”…

ILO Convention 107

…in 18 countries.3 By Erin Hanson. Links & Recommended Resources International Labour Organization website: www.ilo.org Convention 107: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/fp=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C107 “Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/indigenous-tribal/lang–en/index.htm Nations that ratified Convention 107: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=1000:11300:0::NO:11300:P11300_INSTRUMENT_ID:312252 Endnotes…

ILO Convention 169

…Gerard. “ILO Convention 169: Can it help?” http://www.abyayalanews.org/document/2444 2 Schutling. 3 Rachel Seider, ed., Multiculturalism in Latin America: Indigenous Rights, Diversity and Democracy (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002), 4….

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

…Kamloops. You can visit the UBCIC’s official website here. How the UBCIC operates The current President of the UBCIC is Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the Penticton Indian Band. Chief…