인천서구데이트앱(텔레그램 SECS4)텔레그램 SECS4 인천서구섹파찾기 인천서구대학생▲인천서구번개㈘인천서구몸짱 ㄛ䉲 assimilation

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The Indian Act

…by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), formerly the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND). The Indian Act is a part of a long history of assimilation policies…

The Residential School System (2009)

…was infamously said, “to kill the Indian in the child.” Today, we recognize that this policy of assimilation was wrong, has caused great harm, and has no place in our…

Aboriginal Identity & the Classroom

…the way for settlers to take up occupancy of newly “available” lands. Assimilation and dispossession of Aboriginal peoples operate simultaneously in the Indian Act, as they do in other colonial…

The Residential School System

…(Davin’s report can be read here.) In the 1880s, in conjunction with other federal assimilation policies, the government began to establish residential schools across Canada. Authorities would frequently take children…

The Residential School System

Male students in the assembly hall of the Alberni Indian Residential School, 1960s. United Church Archives, Toronto, from Mission to Partnership Collection.

…(Davin’s report can be read here.) In the 1880s, in conjunction with other federal assimilation policies, the government began to establish residential schools across Canada. Authorities would frequently take children…


…facing discrimination and assimilation in urban centres, relinquishing one’s Indian rights, and losing or jeopardizing connections to family and territory. This situation intensified into the mid-20th century as Aboriginal peoples,…

The White Paper 1969

…lifestyles, whether within reserve communities or elsewhere. He also advocated ending all forced assimilation programs, especially the residential schools. (Hawthorn’s two-volume report can be read online here.) Based on Hawthorn’s…

Global Actions

…although the United Nations generally identifies Indigenous groups as autonomous and self-sustaining societies that have faced discrimination, marginalization and assimilation of their cultures and peoples due to the arrival of…

Indian Status

…of its commitments. Further, to propose abolishing status infers that that the eventual assimilation of Aboriginal peoples into the mainstream Canadian society is inevitable. By Karrmen Crey & Erin Hanson…


…Enfranchisement is a legal process for terminating a person’s Indian status and conferring full Canadian citizenship. Enfranchisement was a key feature of the Canadian federal government’s assimilation policies regarding…